Short Term Effects

When cocaine is used it interferes with the reabsorption of dopamine, a chemical  in the brain linked with pleasure and movement, creating a euphoric effect. Moments after cocaine is consumed, the user may experience the following symptoms:

·         Constricted blood vessels.
·         Dilated pupils.
·         Increased body temperature.
·         Increased heart rate.
·         Higher blood pressure.

·         Mental alertness
·         Increased energy
·         Decreased appetite

Throughtout the euphoric period after usage of cocaine, which can last up until 30 minutes, the user will experience hyper stimulation, reduced fatigue, and mental alertness. The high keeps the user is able to tolerate longer in physical activities. It might seem as an advantage in the beginning, dangerous life choices are often chosen in a repeated cocaine use. Conversely, some users might also experience restlessness, irritability, and anxiety.

During a cocaine spree, when the drug is taken constantly, users may experience increasing restlessness, irritability and paranoia. For some users this can lead to a period of paranoid psychosis, with hearing hallucinations and a disconnection with reality.