Long Term Effects

Frequent cocaine use can cause the following health consequences:

·         Irregular heart beat.
·         Heart attack.
·         Chest pain.
·         Respiratory failure.
·         Stroke.
·         Seizures and headaches.
·         Abdominal pain and nausea.
·         Addiction.
·         Paranoia.
·         Irritability.
·         Restlessness.
·         Auditory hallucinations.
·         Mood disturbances.

Constant users of cocaine can become emaciated due to the drug's capacity to decrease the user's appetite. Every technique of taking cocaine can generate specific health effects, including:

·         Snorting: Chronically runny nose, nosebleeds, loss of smell, hoarseness, and problems swallowing.
·         Ingesting: Severe bowel gangrene due to a reduction in the flow of blood to the intestines.
·         Injecting: Severe allergic reactions. Increased risk for contracting HIV, Hepatitis and other blood-borne diseases.

Because cocaine is a highly addictive drug, it can increase the chance of medical complications and health problems. Some of the complications are heart disease, heart attacks, respiratory failure, strokes, seizures and gastrointestinal problems. Further physical indications include convulsions, nausea, blurred vision, chest pain, fever, muscle spams and coma.

As a person starts to develop the habit of giving more and more importance to cocaine, behaviour such as lying, heating, stealing, absence at work and denying the use of cocaine is a apparent effect. As the user will not be able to achieve the "high", the user gets the first time, it addicts the user and can lead to insanity and even death. Fear and obsession can be severe enough to also bring suicidal thoughts or attempts or hopefully they migtht seek treatment. Click here for treatment on addiction of cocaine.



Even though overdose is not common, it can happen and it can be critical. Because cocaine affects the heart and the respiratory system, can overdose can cause death, especially if it is injected or smoked.

An overdose of cocaine can lead to:

·         Irregular heart beat or heart failure.
·         High blood pressure resulting in a brain hemorrhage.
·         Repeated convulsions.
·         Respiratory failure.